Learning Disabilities
Care Services
We are a specialist in Acquired Brain Injury, Learning Disability, Palliative & End Life, Mental Healthcare, Dementia, Special Healthcare, Older People, Reablement and Physical Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
The term ‘learning disabilities’ refers to a wide spectrum of conditions, but generally, a person living with a learning disability may have some cognitive abilities that are different than average.
We all gain independence by learning various lessons throughout our childhood and into early adulthood, but for those with more severe learning disabilities, such as pronounced autism, there may be an increased inability to cope independently. From struggling to cook, to being unable to manage paperwork and bills at home, the problems associated with learning disorders are as wide and varied as the people who live with them.
Living with a learning disability can make it hard to integrate into society, and people may have trouble looking after themselves. If your loved one is struggling to cope alone, we would recommend contacting an agency that provides live-in carers for learning disabilities.
Work together to reach your goals
We take a more flexible approach than traditional services. Caring for and supporting people of all ages with learning disabilities. You may want us to help you in your own accommodation, your family home or a supported living service. We work to match our service to your needs. We can support you for a few hours a week or 24 hours a day, or anything in-between.
To develop your support plan, we’ll work closely with you. Where appropriate we will also work with your family, friends, advocates and other professionals. The result is a plan that reflects your wishes and needs. It helps set goales and the outcomes you want to achieve. We’ll work with you to regularly review your support plan. This ensures we’re giving you the right level of support to reach your goals.
To ensure you receive all the support available to you, we work closely with social services learning disability teams. We also work with community health teams, housing providers and other community organisations.
Find Carers for Learning Disabilities Today
Knowing how to care for someone with a learning disability can be hard, but we’re here to help. Live-in carers for learning disabilities can offer an effective and affordable way to ensure that your loved one is well looked after. As well as matching around-the-clock carers, we also offer to find short-term carers for respite, which can enable primary carers to take a little time out for themselves. You can be as flexible as you need to be.
If you think live-in learning disability care may be the right option for you or your loved one, get in touch with our care team today. Alternatively you can call us on 07402168788 to discuss your individual circumstances.
Care Services Offered
You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone. Reach out today.
You can get in touch with us at any time. Please feel free to contact us, we are available to offer our help where we can 24/7.